Actually i didn’t want to write about this trip but Mt. Takao needs to have a honorable mention. It is located east from Tokyo and is probably the nearest mountain around. Starting from Shinjuku Station it takes only around 1 hour and 3 € to Takaosanguchi Station where we started our trip.

There are several paths to have different difficulties and to see different sights. Tokyocheapo explains it quite good however there is also a very big map with trails and their specific characteristics right at the entrance of the station.
So we started from Takaosanguchi Station through Mt. Takao. Instead going another trail back and since we still had time left we went further to Mt. Shiroyama. Eventually we ended our trip at Sagamiko Station on the other side of the mountain. All in all it was a good 7 hours trip which could be shortened to possibly 5 hours.
The trip was very enjoyable offering different difficulties . Although trail #1 is even paved and more touristic than the other trails, it is still quite steep especially at the beginning.