Today classes started at 10 am again and our lectures was discussing about what our interests are and what we would do in our spare time. In the afternoon calligraphy classes were introduced to us, instead of the previously planned wagashi (candy) making. Calligraphy in general was already hard, but i felt like drawing with a brush put a triple icing on the cake.
Terminology wise we learned, that Fude (筆) means brush, the ink is called Sumi (墨) and the paper we write on is Hanshi (半紙). The meaning of my Vietnamese name is something like the protagonist or hero in a story. This can be translated to the Kanji with the reading of Hideo (英雄).
One quote that stood out from our teacher while doing a brush stroke was:
Dont hesitate, just go. At this moment if you hesitate it wont be good.
As demonstrated in the two pictures below, you can feel an emotional difference between the two drawings of Hideo, one done by me and the other done by my teacher. Personally I feel like the one done by my teacher, who is of course way more experienced than I am, carries some characteristics of determination and strength, befitting to the name. To accomplish such a feed the brush does need to be soaked in ink, and we should not be too cheap but just
Dip it in and make it wet
In the afternoon, our group of eight, consisting of Pam, Sorn, Maria, Celine, Antonia, Joram, myself, went to Kofu station for some window shopping. This was the beginning of our group formation. As coincidence dictates, I learned that Antonia lived in the same area as I did, on the same street and almost at the same corner, with only a difference of three digits in our house numbers.