Today was not really a spectacular and glory day for me and quite a anticlimactic to end this trip.
I woke up to a measly weather. However the worst part was the blister on my right leg. It turned out that i grew so much that i could not fit into my shoe anymore without constant pain, even after several minutes the pain would not ease like it did in the past days. So i decided to pop up the blister. This turned out to be a bad idea since the pain just got stronger. It would have been probably a good idea to do this trick overnight to let it heal up but this situation coupled with the rainy weather just defeated my fighting spirit (next to my rational thinking that i should not walk in the rain with now an open wound). The original plan would describe my trail beginning from Seki station to Minakuchi station – 6 h straight without savepoint / station (skipping the other stations again due to lack of lodges). Although that trail would lead through mountains and as it appears also through the countryside.
Long story short i arrived in Kyoto by train at 3 pm welcomed by a heavy shower and rested my body at 4 pm at my Hostel.
This marks the bitter and not very adventures end of my trip. It was challenging for me as an amateur not only strength, stamina and endurance wise but also financially however looking back i did enjoy the constant pressure to move forward and don’t regret this trip although only halfway taken.