09:00 wake up
I proceeded the morning with planning for the upcoming day and decided to go for Unagi for lunch since it is supposed to be quite fresh in Hamamatsu and a tad cheaper than elsewhere. My menu consisted of a light soup broth and 2 slices of eel which tasted slightly sweet just how i like my food actually. Since i am not a fish fan it is a compliment to say that this is probably the best kind of fish i ever ate however not as remarkable enough to pay such high amounts of money ( a full set would cost around 3000 Yen).
15:00 arrived at Lake Sanaru which is not too impressive.
17:30 My walk continued to the Maisaka station which is a landmark of the Tokaido trail. Initially i wanted to walk to the next station Arai since it has a “nationally designated special historic site” and was also an important historic barrier point since there is only a narrow pass between Arai and Maisaka. However today time run faster than i did and i wanted to check out one sightseeing spot before sunset.
18:16 Arrived at Gamagori. The goal was Take Island (literally Bamboo island) a small island around 300 m away from the main Island and accessible by a bridge. The area looks very well maintained and invites one to sit and watch the sunset. The bridge leading to the island is said to bring good fortune to couples so it is customary to walk along the bridge holding hands with your significant other. A shrine is located on the island and a walk way allows you to walk around the island. However it is probably not everyone’s taste. There are countless insects running around. If you see a black spot at the wall it is 100% in fact a bunch of insects.

20:22 arrived in Nagoya the third biggest city in Japan and the crowd filled station does feel familiar.
Interestingly enough the Toyokawa city, which seemed to be very big had no reasonable priced hostel which is why i directly headed to Nagoya.
I wrote this from my given pictures and memory so i can not fully recall how i felt this day, but i think i managed to walk without great pain. The path from Hamamatsu through Lake Sanaru to Maisaka station was not very interesting or noteworthy
Steps: 32228 (21.2 km)
Spendings: 2500 Hostel, 2800 food and water